Programs and Activities: Through the generosity of our members and the Marion community, more than 34,000 items have been donated to the MCHS. The items are accessioned into a searchable database and then archived for use in research and also for display in our rotating exhibits. Education: Educational programming for both schools and the general public is emphasized in a variety of manners. Among these are tours and programs at Linn School, our c. 1897 one-room schoolhouse, and the Seiter Log Cabin, our c. 1851 log cabin located at the Marion County Fairgrounds. Hundreds of students tour Heritage Hall annually as part of their local history studies. Public Programming: Programs are presented throughout the year with various topics. Dinners featuring presidential reenactors who share insights on their lives while guests dine on the presidents’ favorite foods are presented annually, while topical programs focusing on Marion County communities, significant events, or notable individuals are presented periodically. Publications: A wide variety of publications relating to Marion County’s history in general as well as specific topics, are available for purchase in the Heritage Hall gift shop or online at www.marionhistiory.com. Research: Assistance with research on topics related to Marion County is available on a limited basis, dependent upon staff availability. The Marion Area Genealogy Society, which is housed in Heritage Hall, also provides research assistance, marionohiogenealogy@gmail.com |